Carrie Janzen

A developing watercolour artist with a love for nature, Carrie is on a journey striving to achieve loose and atmospheric results. Her artwork endeavors to spark a memory, inspire a dream or transport viewers to a happy place, even if just for a moment.


Genre & Styles

Works With

Carrie is an Alberta born watercolour artist with a love for nature and an affinity for our beautiful province.  She spent much of her childhood outdoors where she developed an emotional connection with the landscape and animals that surrounded her.  Always longing for creative outlets, Carrie spent many volunteer hours through the years of raising a young family, making props and illustrations whenever she had an opportunity.

Once retired, she finally found the time to begin on a journey that was sparked when she attended an informal watercolour class in a friend’s basement; the magic of pigments and water blending so beautifully on cotton paper had her hooked!  She is mainly self-taught, gleaning inspiration from a plethora of artists, and relying on online courses and workshops to help expand her knowledge and techniques.  With so many subjects to explore, Carrie isn’t yet ready to settle on one genre; she enjoys painting everything from animals to still life, landscapes to portraits, and watercolour flowers, of course!  There is so much to learn; she finds that exploring with textures and the different granulating properties of watercolour quite exciting.  Through her artwork, Carrie endeavors to connect with the viewer to bring joy, inspire gratitude and maybe even spark a happy memory.   

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