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Mirror Lake Tunnel Mural Project
In the Summer of 2021, the City of Camrose created a community collaboration project of painting the pedestrian tunnel under 48 Ave in Mirror Lake. Many individuals and community groups took part, including the Camrose Arts Society.
Kim Paints the Base of the Woman

Steve Paints the Landscape
Through the window we see a mountainous scene with fields and a lake.
Sydney Outlines the Hair in Tape
The tape created a ‘negative space’, adding depth to the finished piece.

Everyone worked together
Do you want to help us support the arts in the Camrose area?
Sydney Adds a Border to the Window

Kim Colour Blocks the Hair
Want to join a vibrant, growing arts community?
Pedro Adds Detail to the Woman

Jason Removes Tape
Jason Adds the Fish
Pedro Works on the Woman

The Finished Mural:

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